Keep life
on earth

We help unleash the power of philanthropy by supporting individuals, foundations and businesses to channel their resources toward solutions that address the climate crisis and catalyse systemic change.

Every journey is different.
How can we support yours?


Our transformative journeys explore the effects of climate change and provide a unique setting to discuss solutions with peers, experts and local leaders.

Our expeditions

Advisory & Grant Manage­ment

Our advisory services support clients to develop a powerful strategy for their foundation or giving vehicle, whether they are starting from scratch or want to review an existing strategy.

Our advisory services


Our knowledge services provide accessible, practical insights into the complexities of climate change and climate philanthropy.

Our knowledge offer

Our publications & tools:
Finding clarity in complex­­ity

Our tools and resources make climate and philanthropy insights accessible to all – empowering individuals to navigate the complex landscape and identify opportunities that align with specific needs.

Funding strate­gies

Designed to help funders navigate the landscape of climate philanthropy, offering practical advice and strategic approaches to maximise their impact.

Climate science & so­lut­ions

Tools and resources that explore the science behind climate change, coupled with practical solutions and funding opportunities.

Topic-specific in­sights

In-depth knowledge on climate issues, breaking down complexities to equip funders with a clearer path to impactful action.

All our publications & tools

Newest release: Horizons for Funding Climate-friendly Buildings

Discover our newest digital resource that maps out pathways for transforming the buildings sector, including concrete solutions and practical examples.

Explore now

Our own journey so far


advisory projects
since 2018




million USD
catalysed for climate solutions

Over the past five years, Active Philanthropy has proven to be a trusted partner, inspiring and guiding clients to fund climate action. An external evaluation found that our efforts not only mobilized substantial new funding but also encouraged experienced funders to prioritise climate initiatives and supported the growth of an ecosystem of climate- focused philanthropies.

Who we are

“Real transformation happens when we align our hearts, minds, and actions – together, we can turn intention into impactful change.”

Dr. Felicitas von Peter, Founder and Managing Partner of Active Philanthropy
Active Philanthropy Team

We are Active Philanthropy: a dedicated team of climate, philanthropy and advisory experts with decades of experience and a shared ambition to create change that really matters.


What our partners & clients say

“Nobody is big enough to do it themselves! Active Philanthropy gave me a straightforward access point into philanthropy and the landscape of foundations. When we started, it was helpful to have a source, a connection to the right people – and then one door opened after another.”

Hans Schöpflin, Founder and Chair of the Executive Board, Schöpflin Stiftung

“Active Philanthropy has a deep knowledge of the climate and philanthropy sectors and a unique ability to bring the two together. They were happy to connect us to their extensive network, turned a complex ecosystem of options into a meaningful opportunity. And ultimately helped us find a place from where we can add the most value.”

Nalini Tarakeshwar, Director Programs, UBS Philanthropy Services

“No matter the size of your foundation, you have more possibilities to influence the wider system than you think. Your grant-making is an important lever, but so is your endowment, your partnerships, your convening power and your voice to drive change. Active Philanthropy’s online course will help you apply the different levers available to your foundation to address the climate crisis.”

Dame Caroline Mason, Chief Executive Officer, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

“The Greenland expedition gave me a mental and emotional kick – a powerful reminder that we must do everything we can, everywhere and all at once to tackle climate change. Epic glacial sights, super nature up close and intelligent debate with new friends have combined to make for an incredible experience.”

Hugh Mehta, Director Partnerships and Operations, Climate | CIFF

Get in touch

Would you like to learn more about what sets us apart, or how we can help bring your ideas to life? Every inspirational journey begins with a first conversation. Give us a quick call or send us an email, we are excited to hear from you!


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